Sunday, 23 November 2014

Climate Change Could Dent Poverty Fight : WB

World Bank has warned that Climate change could undermine efforts to defeat extreme poverty around the globe as sharp temperature rises would cut deeply into crop yields and water supplies in many areas and possibly set back efforts to bring populations out of poverty.

In a new report on the impact of global warming, the bank said  climate change poses a substantial and escalating risk to development progress that could undermine global efforts to eliminate extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity.

The bank said it is already likely that average temperatures will rise 1.5 degrees celsius from pre-industrial levels, based on the built-in impact of past and current greenhouse gas emissions.

That means that extreme heat events, sea level rise and more frequent tropical cyclones may now be unavoidable. But without concerted action, the real danger is that the average global temperature increase could go to 4.0 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

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