Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Iran Opens New Gold Plant

Sanctions hit Iran has opened Middle East’s largest gold processing plant, hoping to double its production of precious metals.

The new facility is located near one of the country's richest mines, Zareh Shuran, will use a unique technology to mine up to three tons of gold per year. It is located 35 km from the city of Takaab in northwest Iran, in an area where gold, silver, and mercury are extracted.

According to authorities, the plant’s production can reach three tons of gold per year and thus can double the total of Iran’s gold production. It is expected that the plant’s gold production capacity will soon reach six tons per year. Silver and mercury productions are expected to hit 2.5 and 1.5 tons, respectively.

Iran is still under tough sanctions that were imposed in 2012 over its nuclear program, which the West claims is aimed at developing atomic weapons. However, Iran says the program is for peaceful, civilian purposes.

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